At Home Counties Joinery, we take pride in crafting bespoke, high-quality, solid wooden doors. Our previous post provided a guide to help you assess and fix common problems, such as sagging and sticking with your custom wooden door. Please click here to read this post. Here, we’ll take you through part two of more common issues with wooden doors and how to assess and fix them:


Cracked or Split Wood

Wooden doors may develop cracks or splits over time, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions. This step-by-step guide will show you how to assess this common issue and fix it:


The assessment

Clean the area and check the severity: Clean the cracked or split area. Remove any dirt, debris, or loose wood fragments from the affected region. A clean surface will ensure better adhesion of the repair materials. Evaluate the extent of the crack or split. You can fix it straightforwardly if it’s a small and shallow crack. However, larger or deeper splits may require more extensive measures.


The fix 

  • Apply wood filler: Use a high-quality wood filler for small cracks or splits. Apply the filler to the damaged area using a putty knife. Press the filler firmly into the crack, ensuring it fills the entire space. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying and sanding times.
  • Sand the repaired area: Fine-grit sandpaper will smooth the repaired area once the wood filler has dried. Sand gently to blend the filler with the surrounding wood, creating a seamless surface:
  • Stain or paint: If your door is stained or painted, match the colour of the repaired area with the rest of the door. Apply a matching stain or paint to the sanded area, ensuring a uniform appearance. This step enhances the door’s aesthetic and provides additional protection to the repaired wood.
  • Prevent future cracks: Address the underlying causes to prevent future occurrences. Ensure that the door is properly sealed and protected from extreme weather conditions. Consider using a sealant or protective finish to shield the wood from moisture, which can contribute to cracking.

Following these steps can effectively fix cracked or split wood in your wooden door, restoring its appearance and structural strength. 


Difficulty in Locking

Depending on the difficulty level, you may need more professional help from Home Counties Joinery if you need help locking your wooden door. But for other issues you may have with locking, following this quick guide could help you address these common issues effectively:


The assessment

Check alignment: The first step is to inspect the alignment of the door and the door frame. If the door is misaligned, it may not engage properly with the lock. Close the door and observe if the latch lines up with the strike plate on the door frame. 


The fix

  • Tighten screws: Ensure that all screws on the door hinges and lock mechanism are tightly secured. Loose screws can cause misalignment and prevent the lock from functioning correctly. Tighten any loose screws using a screwdriver.
  • Check for obstructions: Inspect the area around the lock for any obstructions. Sometimes, dirt or debris can accumulate in the lock mechanism, preventing it from functioning smoothly. Use a can of compressed air to blow out any debris, and lubricate the lock with a graphite or silicone-based lubricant. 
  • Lubricate moving parts: Apply a small amount of lubricant to the moving parts of the lock, including the latch and the bolt; this helps reduce friction and ensures smooth operation. Avoid using oil-based lubricants, as they can attract dust and debris. 
  • Check door alignment: Examine the door’s overall alignment within the frame. If it has sagged or shifted, it may cause the lock to bind. Adjust the hinges or shims to bring the door back into proper alignment.

Following these steps can troubleshoot and address difficulties locking your wooden door. 


Peeling or Chipped Paint

Exterior wooden doors are exposed to the elements and may experience peeling or chipped paint, which diminishes their aesthetic appeal and exposes the wood to potential damage. 


The assessment

After identifying that peeling or chipping is the issue, this quick guide provides comprehensive solutions.


The fix

  • Prepare the work area: Start by preparing the work area. Lay down a drop cloth or newspaper to catch any paint chips or debris. If you’re working indoors, ensure good ventilation.
  • Remove loose or peeling paint: Use a paint scraper or putty knife to remove loose or peeling paint from the door surface. This step should be thorough; a smooth and clean surface is essential for the new colour.
  • Sand the surface: After removing the loose paint, sand the entire door surface to create a smooth and even texture. Use medium-grit sandpaper to smooth out rough areas and feather the edges where the old paint meets the bare wood.
  • Clean the surface: Wipe the sanded surface with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. Allow the door to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.
  • Apply primer: Apply a quality primer to the entire door surface. Primer helps the new paint adhere better and provides a uniform base. Choose a primer suitable for the type of paint you’ll use (oil- or water-based) 
  • Paint the door: After the primer dries, use a high-quality brush or roller to apply the chosen paint, following the manufacturer’s drying time instructions between coats. Use multiple thin coats for a smoother finish, ensuring each coat and the final one dry completely. Avoid rushing to maintain durability. Enhance protection by applying a clear sealer or topcoat to the painted surface.

Following these steps, you can effectively fix peeling or chipped paint on your wooden door, restoring its appearance and protecting it from further damage. 


In conclusion, at Home Counties Joinery, we understand the importance of maintaining the beauty and functionality of your bespoke wooden doors. By addressing common issues like cracked wood, difficulty locking, and peeling paint, you can ensure that your doors continue enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home or business. If you encounter more complex problems or require professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are committed to providing top-notch craftsmanship and personalised solutions to keep your wooden doors pristine for years.